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How Do I Get a Credit Check

How Do I Get a Credit Check

Ready to Check Your Credit in Australia? Here's How.

Having a strong understanding of your credit score breathes confidence in your financial affairs. It's like knowing your path on a journey. The path today? How to get a credit check and how to fix bad credit if you face such.

Discovering Your Financial Footprint

Your credit score in Australia isn't a stray from the global definition. It forms part of your credit report—a collection of your financial decisions. All the dances in the rain with your loans, credit cards and bills come together here.

The core part of your credit report—your credit score holds a number. An indicator band, if you may. It ranges between 0 and 1,200. Here is a hierarchy for a better grasp:

  • Excellent
  • Very good
  • Good
  • Fair/Average
  • Below average

A credit score in the above-average bands shines you in good light in the eyes of lenders. It shouts, "Here's someone who can manage their finances well. We can rely on them."

Act of Right: Checking Your Credit Score

The law ensures that you can access your credit report free of charge every three months in Australia. Equifax, Experian and Illion are the main players providing these services. Consider fetching your credit report from each of these organisations to get a comprehensive view.

A credit report contains:

  • Personal identification data
  • Information on your credit accounts
  • Details of your repayment history
  • Data of any loans or credit defaults
  • Bankruptcy details, if any
  • Detail of business loans, if applicable

The fascinating part is that this summation forms your credit score. Yes, the significant little number we discussed earlier.

The Parties Interested in Your Credit Score

Lenders, including banks, examine your credit score when you apply for loans or credit cards. It determines how good a financial egg you are. It even swings around when you're interested in certain job applications.

Here's a figure snapshot of what each credit reporting bureau considers as your credit score for each category:


  • Excellent: 800-1000
  • Very good: 700-799
  • Good: 625-699
  • Fair: 550-624
  • Below average: 0-549


  • Excellent: 800-1000
  • Great: 700-799
  • Good: 500-699
  • Room for improvement: 300-499
  • Low: 1-299


  • Excellent: 853-1,200
  • Very good: 735-852
  • Good: 661-734
  • Average: 460-660
  • Below average: 0-459

How to Fix Your Bad Credit Fast

Credit Repair Reach Out to Us to Repair your Credit

Finding your credit score on the lower end of the scale can weigh heavy on your shoulders. Don't let it get you down. Instead, view it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and strengthen your financial health. Now you ask, "How can I fix my bad credit fast and make it a hasty process?" Let's delve deeper into the steps involved.

Step 1: Never Underestimate the Power of Paying Your Bills on Time

Consistent timeliness on bill payments is a small habit with substantial impacts. Your bill payment history makes a significant dent in your credit score calculation. Fallen behind on a few bills? It's never too late to rectify it. Consider setting up automatic payments to avoid missing due dates.

Step 2: Credit Cards Are Not Your Enemy

"A credit card will ruin my credit score!" is a common myth. Sure, misuse can land you in financial trouble. Wise handling on the other hand, can boost your credit score. Be smart about it. Keep your balances low and make your credit card payments on time, every time. Maintain a low utilization ratio - the percentage of your total credit limit you're using.

Step 3: Limit Credit Applications

Too many credit inquiries can paint you as a high-risk borrower. When you apply for new credit, the lender makes a hard inquiry about your credit. It results in a temporary dip in your score. So, best to limit these applications and only apply when it's necessary.

Step 4: Check Your Credit Reports Regularly

Errors can sneak into your credit reports, unbeknownst to you. These inaccuracies can drag your credit score down. Regularly access your credit reports from all three major bureaus. Thoroughly scan them for any errors or discrepancies. If you stumble upon any, make it a mission to dispute and correct those errors.

Step 5: Stay on Top of Loan Repayments

Similar to timely bill payments, prompt repayments of loans also positively affect your credit score. Having a mix of different types of credit and showing responsible management of all can work in your favor.

Note: Less is More

In the hunt for a fantastic credit score, remember not to take on more debt than you can comfortably manage. It's like a plate at a buffet. Pick up only as much as you can chew (and digest!) Maintaining manageable levels of debt will prevent you from falling into financial hardship and will help to boost your credit score.

Fixing bad credit is a journey. It may not happen overnight, but with discipline, commitment, and a proactive approach, it's entirely reachable! Make this process a lifestyle rather than a short term plunge. So, buckle up and let's drive towards a better credit score!

Australian Credit Solutions - Your Credit Companion

Australian Credit Solutions is your reliable credit guide. We help understand your credit report deeper, offer personalized financial advice and strategies to fix your bad credit. We believe managing credit isn't rocket science. It's about being financially aware.

Gear up for a fantastic credit score with Australian Credit Solutions. Contact us today. Together, we can strive for a greener financial pasture.

In the world of credit, knowledge is your light. So, let's turn it on and take the leap towards your financial goals. With Australian Credit Solutions, it's time to regain control.

Why Choose Australian Credit Solutions for Your Credit Repair Services?

There are several reasons why you should choose Australian Credit Solutions from the many credit repair services available. If you're new to credit repair, we can help review your credit record, identify issues, and create a credit fix strategy tailored for your specific financial situation.

Our team of reliable Credit Solutions can help you identify negative items, fix errors, file disputes, improve your credit score, and get finance. We also provide advice on how to manage your credit and maintain a good credit score so you can stay on top of your finances.

How to Get Started

If you need assistance, kindly get in touch with us today. We will communicate clearly and our dedicated Credit Repair specialist will give your Credit file the attention it deserves to get it back on track

Contact Us

Simply click below to fill out the Credit Assessment form and also Schedule a meeting with our Credit Repair Specialist.

Credit Report Analysis

You can get a Free Copy of your Credit File on Equifax website or we can organise a premium report for you.

Discuss Your Options

We’ll give you all the information you need to know where you stand.

We're Here to Help

If you are looking forward to fixing your credit and getting finance as soon as possible, you may contact us or fill out the form on this page to get started